Learn how to listen to your body and respond to its needs

True Body Sustainability

About Second Half

As we enter the second half of our lives, it becomes increasingly important to re-approach how we look after our bodies. The aim of the Second Half approach is to empower you to develop a strong self-awareness of your body. Rooted in the Yamuna® Body Rolling Method, this approach can help you carry mobility, flexibility and strength into the second half of your life, aiding your well-being.

Through working with Mika, you will learn how to listen closely to your body and develop a specialised routine to help you achieve long-term body sustainability!

The Second Half Approach

1) Get to Know Your Body

The initial step is learning how to truly listen to your body to understand its needs. Through the YBR Method, you will develop an intuitive understanding of your own anatomy.


2) Feel & Practice

The next step is to continue practicing open communication with your body, focussing on breath work and bone alignment. The YBR Method is specialised for these two aspects.

3) Bring Practice Into Your Life

The end goal of the Second Half Approach is for you to eventually become your own teacher and develop a routine that responds to your body’s needs and adapts to your lifestyle.


About Yamuna® Body Rolling

Body Sustainability Method

Yamuna®️ Body Rolling (YBR) is a self care method and therapeutic technique, which combines health, well-being and injury prevention. By using a Yamuna ball to roll out tissue from origin to insertion, you can release muscle tightness and improve your flexibility. The YBR method goes deep into the muscle, improving your muscle alignment and blood circulation. Most importantly, the YBR method gives you a wonderful understanding of your own body and teaches you how to self-heal. 

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Mika Childs

Mika is a Yamuna® Body Rolling (YBR) practitioner based in Tokyo with over 10 years of experience in teaching the YBR Method.

Mika fell in love with marathon running in her early 40s, qualifying for the Tokyo Women’s Marathon in 2008. However, after struggling with serious injuries, she began looking for methods to heal and work on body sustainability. After discovering the YBR Method, Mika flew to New York to meet its founder, Yamuna Zake, who inspired and encouraged Mika to pursue the instructor path and spread the YBR Method to Hong Kong.

Mika became Hong Kong’s first qualified YBR instructor, leading one-on-one and group lessons at Flex Studios. In 2014, Mika returned to New York and became qualified as an instructor’s training teacher, helping four more instructors to achieve their qualifications in Hong Kong.

Mika has now returned to her home country of Japan, where she hopes to take her years of experience and help people in her community reach body sustainability.

  • “The time I spent with Mika was a big part of healing my body and soul. She is gentle, attentive and wise, one of the few practitioners who really cares beyond the studio. Thanks to Mika's combination of Yamuna and her own ideas, I can now run, jump, ski, play tennis and do anything else I want to.”

    –Dominique McKenzie

  • “My body started growing stiff with the aches and pains that doctors usually tell you are normal. I started working with Mika using the Yamuna body rolling method and I can truly say that it was life-changing. Experiencing the opening that happens so gently throughout the process, one learns to look forward to the practice.”


  • “Mika's understanding of the muscular makeup of the body will help any student advance in their own practice. Her practice has improved my form, balance, and posture, which have made huge differences in the pain my body feels during running races. Mika’s positive attitude and loving spirit makes her the perfect teacher!”

    – Mourad Tahiri

  • “Working with Mika on a weekly basis through Yamuna, in a matter of months, I built up my core strength and really improved my body and spine alignment. I really couldn’t have achieved this without Mika and her kind support, professionalism, and knowledge. Four Ironman’s later, my body says… thank you.”

    – Rodney Geres

  • “Mika keeps a gentle eye on you, making sure you don’t do any of the steps wrong. She tailors her lesson to your body’s mood on the day, and gradually adapts the exercises. I worked with Mika every week for three years, and I could not have had a better experience!”

    – Catherine Colineau

  • “You are the best! Your ability to speak from your heart and reach people is your greatest gift. Trying to keep everyone connected afterwards is so important. As always it has been great to be here and spend time together. I wish I could have spent more time after class with you.”

    – Yamuna Zake